Bleu Royal Tequila Rum
Bleu Royal Spirits Inc. is a spirit and lifestyle brand founded by two entrepreneurial besties with a passion for authentic blends. The founders established Bleu Royal in New York City 2013 as a means to transform the conversation amongst tequila and rum enthusiasts. Care for Tequila Rum?… The result is a spirit with the perfect infusion of Mexican bleu agave nectar and French Caribbean impression.
“We set out to transform the conversation associated with Tequila and Rum. Our goal was to develop a new category in which a new conversation could be born within the community of spirit consumers.” ~ Kenneth Cook & Sloteur Joseph
Co-Founders Kenneth Cook and Sloteur Joseph are the method behind the award-winning Bleu Royal spirit. Despite economic and social adversity apparent, both founders managed to be persistent enough to see their vision flourish through courage, grit, and will power. Today, Bleu Royal is continuing to seize opportunities while penetrating the markets of NY and NJ. Swiss Cocktails was able to purchase a bottle of Bleu Royal at N.Y.C.’s best kept secret and gem called Happy Cork; check it out if you ever are in need of Spirits of Black Excellence. Owner, Sunshine Foss has an extensive selection of spirits to choose from!
Bleu Royal uses an all-natural patented process to remove impurities from the spirit and produce a spirit profile that is aromatic, distinctively smooth, and a luxurious experience to worth imbibing. Bleu Royal Tequila Rum is a premium spirit that is 80 proof/ 40% ABV with natural flavors. We end our Spirits of Black Excellence feature this month with a cocktail expression dessert courtesy of Bleu Royal & Swiss Cocktails, Enjoy! See the recipe below:
“The Mojito Royale”
Into Shaker;
Shake The Mojito well;
Add 2 3/4 oz The Mojito;
Add 1 oz Bleu Royal Tequila Rum;
Add 4 scoops Halo Farm Tahitian Vanilla Bean;
Stir contents and Pour into a glass;
Add Whip Shots (Mocha);
Garnish w/ dash of Nutmeg;
Cheers to the future of cocktail consumption!
#BRoyal #BleuYorkCity #timeforswiss